Restart Story

Nate Scott\n3rd Grade
You made it out of captivity, but the Romans are on your trail. You have found food, water and shelter. Do you...\n[[Stay where you are]] or\n[[Keep moving]]
As you lean in to stab him, your enemy knows what you are going to do. He dodges and rolls, under you and stabs you in the back. You are dead!\n[[Start]]
A gladiator is a slave in Ancient Rome. In order to earn their freedom, they have to fight each other for the enjoyment of the Romans. Gladiators have to kill their opponent and be loved by the people at the same time. Once they have won many arena battles, they earn a wooden sword. A wooden sword means you have the right to keep fighting as a free Roman or stop being a gladiator.\n\nYou are a gladiator!\nAre you prepared to fight?\nWell go fight!\n[[FIGHT!]]\n[[No I am scared]]
Your enemy has a trident and a net. He does not have any armor, but he does have lots of weaponry. His net is long range, but his trident is short range. your weapons are short range.\nDo you want to...\n[[tire him]]\n[[stab him]]
As a new slave, you get a choice. \nDo want to:\n[[Become a gladiator and earn your freedom if you live long enough]]\nOR \n[[Try to escape the Romans]]
Your training was hard and exhausting but it went well. You have won your first fifty fights and the people love you. \nIn your next fight you have a choice, you might earn your wooden sword. Do you want to...\n[[Is this your last fight?]]\n
Your enemy is a gladiator with a gladius. A gladius looks alot like a pirate sword with a curved blade. Do you...\n[[stab him]]\n[[tire him]]\n
You keep on fighting as a free Roman and earn lots of money. The people love you and you win many more battles. You live a good life.\n[[Start]]
There is no room for fear in the arena. You die of cowardice!\n[[Start]]
You have retired as a Gladiator and have lots of money. You find a wife and have a family. You live a very very happy life enjoying your freedom!\n[[Start]]\n
You run into a forest and the Romans are still after you. You can only go \n[[back to the city]] or\n[[keep running]]
Welome to the arena Gladiator! Be prepared to get very rich or die!\n[[Are you a new slave?]]\nor\n[[Is this your last fight?]]\n
The Romans have found you! Instead of taking you back as a slave, they stab you in the chest and you die a horrible death.\n[[Start Over?|Start]]
You run into the city and say you are a guard that you know to be dead. You live a life, but not a happy life because you have to hide who you really are. Your job is to watch over the gladiator games as a guard so you see all of their deaths. \n[[Start]]\n
Your enemy dodges. You do a swift attack and he dodges again. \nDO you want to...\n[[stab him again]]\n[[fake stab him]]
Welcome new Gladiator. As a new recruit you will get training and soon you will be in the arena for the people. \n[[No, I don't need training]]\n[[I will train thanks!]]
As you run around in circles trying to tire your enemy, he throws the net over you! Then, he stabs you with his trident. You are dead.\n[[Start]]
So, you have been a gladiator for ten long years and have earned the love of the people. This could be your last fight where you earn your wooden sword of freedom, or your death. \n[[Attack a diffucult enemy?]] \n[[Attack an enemy with matching armor?]]
Your first fight in the area. The other gladiator is a newbie like you, but he has had much training. Unfortnunately, that training taught him to duck, and kill. You die from a stab in the back.\n[[Start over?|Start]]
The Romans thought you would flee in to the forest. They know where you are going. They cut you off and through you off the side of the mountain. You are dead.\n[[Start]]\n
You pretend to stab him, but roll under him instead. Then you stab him in the back and he dies! Congratulations! You have killed him and earned your wooden sword from the poeple. \nDo you want to...\n[[keep fighting]]\n[[stop fighting]]